To cancel an order, follow these steps:
- Click this link, or simply log into your account on, select "My Account," and then select "Orders."
- Find the order or item you would like to cancel.
- On the right side of the screen, you will see the status of the item. If it is "Preparing to Ship" and has not yet been packaged at the store or warehouse, you will see "Cancel Item." If the option to "Cancel Item" is unavailable, it is too late for the order to be cancelled. Please reach out to Customer Service so we can help you return the unwanted items.
- Click "Cancel Item" on any item(s) you wish to cancel. If you wish to cancel the entire order, you will need to click "Cancel Item" on each individual item.
If you do not have the Cancel Item option, or if you would like any assistance, please contact our Customer Service team at 888-816-8691 or with your order number and the item you'd like to cancel.