To place an order, please follow these steps:
- Fill your cart with your desired items on
- Click on "My Cart."
- Ensure that your order is correct.
- Click on "Proceed to Checkout."
- If prompted, type in your email and create an account, or log into your pre-existing account.
- Fill out your shipping address and phone number on the checkout page.
- Fill out your payment method.
- Type in any coupon codes or gift card numbers that you may have, and apply those to your order.
- Fill out your billing address, if different from your shipping.
- Select your preferred Delivery Method.
- Ensure that your order and all of your information is correct.
- Place your order.
After placing your order, you will receive a confirmation email to the email address you have provided. You will receive additional emails letting you know when your order has shipped and when it has been delivered.
If you would like assistance in placing an order, please contact our Customer Service team at 888-816-8691.